A Non-invasive Best Method Allowing The Energy Flow 

EFT offers us a simple and comfortable way to clear these blockages, allowing the energy to flow freely again, restoring our path to optimal health and happiness. 

Sometimes this happens very quickly, in other instances, we may need to be more specific, breaking down an issue into its component parts. 

We learn to become detectives and take charge of our own lives. This non-invasive and safe technique works by 

applying gentle pressure (or tapping) to the endpoints of the meridians while we tune into specific negative thoughts, emotions, memories, or physical discomforts. 

This tapping sends a vibration along these pathways, which in turn clears the blockage and brings us back into 

balance. As we tap, we name the problem we are addressing aloud, for example, "fear of public speaking, which then guides our system to the specific issue we wish to treat. 

One of the features of EFT is that it is actually not necessary to know which points relate to which organs to experience positive change. 

EFT works by tapping the same eight points regardless of the issue involved. Although there are points all over the body, the EFT points are all 'end points' of the meridians, which means that they are close to the surface of the skin and easy to stimulate with the fingertips.

EFT is not hypnosis, distraction or just positive thinking. The fact is that we do not yet know the exact mechanism by which it works, and awaiting further research. We do know that EFT seems to create much greater communication between mind and body. When we are suffering from stress or problems of any kind we have often become disconnected from our emotions. 

We need our emotional responses to navigate and appreciate life. In fact, it is impossible to experience an emotion without feeling it on a physical level in the body - when we are cut off from bodily feelings we are cut 

off from life. 

Conversely, we can be terrorized by our feelings, living in a state of hyper-alertness. Tapping seems to create a state of (mindfulness', a healthy emotional awareness, and balance. 

We are all the products of our history. We live our lives in the present according to the beliefs and experiences we have had along the way. 

While for some people these beliefs and life experiences are empowering and positive, for others, they can be limiting and keep us stuck. 

When we apply EFT to our old hurts, fears, anxieties, and resentments that still 'get' us today, we can let go of the negative emotions and our limiting beliefs. 

We are then able to move forwards positively in our lives. And we know exactly what to do when we encounter the next block - the solution is at the end of our fingertips!