How does EFT work to produce such amazing results with just a few words and tapping on meridian points? 

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) performs by rebalancing the energy system of the body. Energy (known as Chi or Qi in Chinese culture or Prana in Vedantic philosophy) circulates across the body via a network of meridians. 

that its Chinese mapped out over 2,000 years ago Meridians are invisible channels that run through the body carrying energy to every organ and the system Despite the fact that these energy channels are not physical structures Meridians can be compared to house wiring or veins and arteries. 

which blood circulates Our body contains an intricate network of connective tissue, known as the cytoskeleton which allows subtle energy to be transmitted throughout it. 

The cytoskeleton has a tree like arrangement, the main branches are the meridians, and these divide into smaller branches, which eventually connect with our cells as tiny twigs. 

The EFT points we use are points of access into this cytoskeleton of connective tissue. They are points through which information flows freely back and forth between our body and the outside world. In order to maintain optimal health our energy The system needs to be balanced. 

We all go in and out of balance many times during every day, and often the energy system rights itself without even knowing about it. When our energy flows freely through these meridians we experience health and happiness in our lives. 

We are in the flow However, life happens, and at times most of us will experience some form of stress or trauma that blocks our energy from flowing freely. 

If left untreated, these blocks can result in 'dis-ease' either emotional or physical, or both. Energy, by its very nature, is active. In health it flows freely around the body. 

When a blockage occurs the natural vitality and fluidity of the energy has nowhere to go, and it stagnates, causing disease - a feeling of not being 100 percent well or happy